Optimize Your Dog's Well-Being

Maintain your dog's vitality and health in a safe and affordable way.

Build a strong foundation for your dog’s health and vitality. Discover how three key criteria – genes, lifestyle, and environment – play a crucial role in your dog’s overall well-being. Whether your dog suffers from food sensitivities, has stinky breath, lacks energy, or you simply want to provide optimal nutrition without breaking the bank, this consultation is for you. Many dog owners are unaware of the impact that food has on their pet’s physical, mental, and emotional health. 

Restore your dog’s vitality, immunity, and overall well-being in a safe and affordable way. Say goodbye to health issues and picky eating, and provide a healthier alternative to kibble for your dog. While raw feeding can be a controversial topic, I have personally fed my dogs a raw diet for 20 years with tremendous success. As a certified Raw Pet Food Nutrition Specialist, I offer a comprehensive consulting program to guide you through the transition and help you understand the scientific reasons behind this diet.

In this program, you’ll learn:

  • Smooth transition techniques to prevent digestive issues
  • Time-efficient and healthy ways to prepare vegetables
  • Tips to avoid diarrhea, constipation, and food absorption problems.
  • Strategies to prevent food sensitivities
  • The importance of balanced supplements
  • The truth about feeding bones safely
  • How to create variety in your dog’s meals for an enriching experience.
  • The profound impact of raw feeding on building a stronger bond with your dog
  • The connection between food and overall health and well-being
  • How to have fun while feeding your dog and gain peace of mind knowing you’re making the right choices

Join countless satisfied clients who have witnessed transformative results:

“We are at day 12 on the raw diet and are extremely happy with the results. Parker and Sorella say thanks. They get leaner, they truly seem happier, they don’t beg for treats like they used to, they don’t drink water constantly, their coats look better already, and stool is smaller and perfect. Thank you. We love it.”

Mike & Jordan

Many dog owners are unaware of the impact that food has on their pet’s physical, mental, and emotional health. With my experience and certification, I am equipped to guide you through the complexities of dog food nutrition and empower you to make informed choices. Together, we’ll explore how to interpret food labels, avoid harmful ingredients, overcome common feeding mistakes, and strengthen your dog’s immune system.

Remember, you are your dog’s greatest advocate, and understanding pet food marketing is crucial to investing in their long-term health and well-being. With better food and health choices, you can save significant expenses at the vet’s office. By the end of this session, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and confidence to make optimal decisions for your dog’s nutrition and well-being. Invest your time now to secure a healthier, happier future for your beloved companion.

Ready to make the switch? Schedule a 15-minute complimentary conversation to address any questions or concerns you may have beforehand. Take charge of your dog’s nutrition and unleash their true vitality!